Public Notice - 2025 Elections
Voting Equipment Public Logic and Accuracy Test
In accordance with Florida Statute, Section 101.5612, a pre-election test of the automatic tabulating equipment, which will be used to tabulate the votes cast in the Town of Havana, General Election, to be held on April 29, 2025, will be conducted at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, April 11, 2025, at the Supervisor of Elections Office, 16 South Madison Street, Quincy. The purpose of the test is to ascertain that the equipment will correctly count the votes cast for all candidates and offices. The Canvassing Board will convene and shall certify the accuracy of the test.
Canvass of Returns
The canvass of Vote-By-Mail returns for Town of Havana General Election will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Election Day, April 29, 2025. If any ballots need to be cured due to missing or invalid signatures, the canvassing board will reconvene on May 1, 2025 at 5: 00 p.m.
Post-Election Certification Voting System Audit
The Canvassing Boards for Town of Havana General Election convene immediately after the canvassing of returns on May 1, 2025, to commence with the selection of the electoral race and complete the manual audit for the election.
(This notice is cross-posted on the Town Clerk's page under Notices)