Fire Department

The Town of Havana Fire Department's mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life for all citizens and visitors from the adverse effects of natural and man-made emergencies. 

Our goal is to provide a protection program through a cost-efficient approach to emergency response, fire code application and public fire education.  

Havana's current ISO rating is a 10.  (effective July 2022) 

Please note that Havana Volunteer Fire Department participates in a Fire Pension program through FRS.   Havana Fire Pension Board meets the first Thursday of the following months:  March, June, September, and December.  These meetings are held in Council Chambers at Havana Town Hall and all meetings are open to the public.  Below are our Summary Plan Description / Supplements & Detailed Accounting Reports for this fund, as required by Florida Statute.  

Are you interested in becoming a certified volunteer fire fighter?   Please review the resources below and contact Chief Don Harrison for more information on the process to join and get certified.  

If you are witnessing a fire, crime in progress or are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911.

Contact Info

Don Harrison
Fire Chief

Havana Volunteer Fire Truck

Havana Volunteer Fire Truck